Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Indonesian Education Writing Essay Example For Students

Indonesian Education Writing Essay Scientific Writing E Indonesian Education Weaknesses l. There are three weaknesses of Indonesian education. II. The first weakness is less facilities. A. We dont have sufficient learning facilities. B. Remote areas are usually unreachable of good facility. Ill. The second weakness is curriculum that always change. Indonesian education curriculum changes very often, that makes both teachers and students confused. When they are trying to understand one curriculum, government announces that there is the newest curriculum. We will write a custom essay on Indonesian Education Writing specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now IV. The last weakness is the weak mental of Indonesian human resources. A. Teachers are not responsible enough of their students. B. Cheating is tradition. V. Some weaknesses of Indonesian such as less facility, curriculum that always changes and the weak mental of Indonesian human resources should be overcome to improve our education. Many people say that our education is worse than our neighbor countries such as Malaysia and Singapore. It is caused by some weaknesses that our education has. There are three main weaknesses of Indonesian education. The first weakness is less socialites. It Is commonly known that we dont have sufficient education facilities both buildings and other needs that support the teaching and learning processes. There are so many school buildings that unproven to use. The condition of the buildings are very bad, and some of them are harmful, because they can collapse anytime. Beside the buildings, we should concern of our teaching and learning facilities. We dont have enough learning media for the students, especially for they who live in remote area. They who live In suburban cant hold teaching and learning process properly nice they have no effective media. Moreover, in some places the students should struggle to get education. They have to walk for many kilometers to reach their school. They should cross the river, walk through the forest, only to get minimal education. The second weakness is the curriculum that always changes. As everybody knows, Indonesian education curriculum changes very often. Even there is a Joke that says different minister, different curriculum, which means that curriculum changes as the education minister changes too. Government states that he curriculum is changed for teachers and students goodness. In contrast, this change only burdens both teachers and students. When they are trying to understand one curriculum, the government announces that there Is the newest curriculum. It means that teachers, students, and they who work in educational field t Off snouts learn Ana apply ten newest curriculum, walkout unreasoning winy It changes again. They Just follow the governments rules. The last weakness of our education is the weak mental of Indonesian human resources, especially they who include in educational field. For example, some teachers are not responsible enough of their students. They dont really care of what their students do, they dont worry when their students do not understand of what they teach or explain. Some teachers consider that it is enough to teach the students, without checking whether they understand or not and without knowing the students acquisition. Another example of the weak mental of our people is cheating. Some students consider that cheating is common, and it is such kind of our education tradition. Penthouse they are earned by the teachers, they keep cheating. They dont have confidence to do the test by thrillers. Three Indonesian education weaknesses above are real. The first weakness that is the less facilities usually happens in suburban area. Next weakness is the curriculum that changes very often only makes teachers, students, and many others who work in educational field feel confused. The last is the weak mental of our people, such as teachers who are not responsible of their students acquisition. Those three weaknesses should be overcome to improve our education.

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