Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Military Sciences 4 Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Military Sciences 4 Questions - Essay Example On the other side, the interim government in Afghanistan was helpless because it was facing a number of internal and external problems like corruption, illegal trade of opium, underdeveloped economy and security breach. At the same time, Taliban was seeking cooperation with al-Qaida and to subdue the interim government in Afghanistan. In National Defense Strategy document, the defense secretary (2008) makes clear that â€Å"Violent extremist movements such as al-Qaeda and its associates comprise a complex and urgent challenge† (p.2). As the Middle East (say, especially Afghanistan) is considered as the core of international terrorist plots, the national interest of the United States is at risk in this area. To be specific, the 9/11 incident proves that al-Qaida in Afghanistan is behind the global spread of terrorism. So, the U.S. government must deal with the grass root level reason behind the global spread of terrorism. Almost all the world nations face the problem of terrori sm and religious fundamentalism. In addition, the problem of terrorism can be dealt with military involvement because other ways prove ineffective. Our military involvement supports the vital national interest because the ultimate aim of the US forces in Afghanistan is to interrupt and dismantle the international terrorist groups which operate from Afghanistan. ... So, one can easily identify that the situation in Afghanistan is worse and US security is at risk. Besides, military involvement in this area aims to keep pressure upon the terrorist groups like Taliban and al-Qaida. In short, military involvement in Afghanistan is unavoidable because it supports the vital national interest of the United States. 2. The Department of Defense (DoD)’s tendency to focus on conventional conflicts is based upon the Cold War strategy. One can easily identify that this strategy is not practical and is impossible to implement in irregular wars. For instance, the international terrorist groups make use of irregular warfare and conventional warfare based upon military power cannot withstand the same. So, the 2008 National Defense Strategy (NDS) is vital to counterbalance DoD’s tendency to focus on conventional conflicts. Within this context, NDS aims to implement a number of measures. One can see that the NDS provides ample importance to long-term effort by confronting the challenges faced by conventional warfare, which proved to be ineffective. From a different angle of view, NDS’s aim to adopt innovation into the context of contingency planning, development of different forces, and intelligence work are utmost important to amalgamate innovation into DoD. In National Defense Strategy document, the defense secretary (2008) makes clear that â€Å"We must tailor deterrence to fit particular actors, situations, and forms of warfare† (p.12). Besides, the NDS is aware of the importance of irregular warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan. For instance, irregular warfare tactics and partnership can be helpful to win wars in the Middle Eastern regions. One can see that NDS put forth innovative ideas to equip the security

Monday, October 28, 2019

Learning importance and a example of essay in learning Essay Example for Free

Learning importance and a example of essay in learning Essay Learning is a major part of life. People tend to learn in every steps of their life. Learning does not necessarily involve complex terms, it can also be primitive things that keeps happening in day to day life of an individual. Everybody has different interest, likewise they have a different pattern of learning things. Some people learn faster through visual medium, some through audio, and some just writing down the things depending upon what the subject matter is. I believe that learning process does not start when one settles in a formal environment but it start right from the birth of an individual. Walking, talking, decision making etc. are some examples including every other primary things are the result of learning. Every time anyone has to acquire a new skills, they need to be focused and scrutinize the subject matter thoroughly, that is how learning happens. Learning affects the confidence of a person as well. If someone learn things quickly than they have higher confidence in doing things and learning new things as well. After going through the video couple of times I realized that one who puts hard work and devotion in learning new things can automatically adapt into the ways the things are done and will become successful. I myself am very much interested in music and vaguely inspired by the beauty of it. I think music can be the most influential thing in an individual life. Music can make a person relax after a hard day at work, cure the illness, provides maximum level of comfort to an individual. Being so much influenced on music I have managed to learn a very few instruments and it always gives me pleasure and comfort when I am playing them. But I do not want to stop here. I want to learn more about music. I want to be able to read the music and understand every keys and notation in it. I want to be a musician like David Gilmour from the greatest band ever, â€Å"Pink Floyd,† who is able to play any string musical instrument that exists in planet today. I am currently doing my major in Business with Information Technology however in order to fulfill my ambition in music I have also planned to take music as my minor subject and later on carry it as my profession along with my  Business major degree. It is very much important to me because of my vague interest in it, but mostly it makes me very happy. Finally, I am profoundly inspired from the video that I just watched and it helped me to boost up my morale. I do have much respect for the people attempting to make things happen and these people are just one of those few who dare to take the challenges and do something that makes difference to others.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Susan B Anthony :: essays research papers

Susan B. Anthony was born February 15, 1820 in Adams Massachusetts to Daniel and Lucy Anthony. Susan was the second born of eight children in a strict Quaker family. Her father, Daniel Anthony, was a stern man, a Quaker abolitionist and cotton manufacturer. He believed in guiding his children, not directing them. He did not allow them to experience the childish amusements of toys, games, and music, which were seen as distractions from the Inner Light. Instead he enforced self-discipline. Susan learned to read and write at the age of three. In 1826, the Anthony’s moved from Massachusetts to Battensville, New York. Where Susan attended a district school, when the teacher refused to teach Susan long division, she was taken out of school and taught in home school set up by her father. A woman teacher, Mary Perkins, ran the school. Perkins offered a new image of womanhood to Susan and her sisters. She was independent, educated, and held a position that had been traditionally been reserved to young men. Susan was sent to a boarding school in Philadelphia. She taught at a female academy boarding school, in up state New York when she was fifteen years old intill she was thirty. After she settled in her family home in Rochester, New York. It was here that she began her first public crusade on behalf of temperance. This was one of the first expressions of feminism in the United States, and it delt with the abuses of woman and children who suffered from alcoholic husbands. In 1849, Susan gave her first public speech for the Daughters of Temperance, and then help found the Woman’s State Temperance Society of New York. It was one of the first organizations of its time. In 1851 she went to Syracus to attend a series of antislavery meetings. During this time Susan meet Cady Stanton. They became best friends. Susan joined Stanton and Amelia Bloomer in campaigns for women’s rights. She would often deliver speeches written by Stanton, who was occupied with her young children. In 1854, She devoted herself to the antislavery movement serving from 1856 to the outbreak of the civil war, 1861. Here, she served as an agent for the American Antislavery Society. After, She worked with Stanton and published the New York liberal weekly, â€Å"The Revolution† (1868-1870) which called for equal pay for women. In 1872, Susan demanded that women be given the same civil and political rights that had been extended to black men under the 14th and 15th amendments.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The AKA language was protected from outside influence Essay

The writer started his article by describing a group of people called Tuvans, who lives in a remote area in the Republic of Tuva, in Russian Federation. The importance of this group came from the fact that they are speaking Tuvan, a language consider by linguists to be among a group of languages that are considered to be on the edge of extinction because of the low numbers of people that speak it. The earth population speak approximately 7000 languages. Tuvan is among the 3500 small languages that are spoken only by 8. 25 million people in the entire world, which is a very low fraction of the seven billion people who inhabit the earth. On the other hand, seventy eight percent of the earth population are speaking only 85 languages, Mandarin, Spanish, and English are among the top spoken languages on the globe. Linguist predicted that in the next century almost half of the spoken languages may vanish, and at this point more than 1000 languages are considered on the extinction. The writer mentioned the reasons that lead to this languages dilemma. He mentioned the effect of the dominant languages, that controls communications and commerce, on the small one that do not have any defense mechanism, like television or currency, to protect its existence. Because of that the people of Tuva must speak Russian or Chinese if they want to stay in contact with the outside world. The writer then mentioned another endangered languages known as AKA, the native language of AKA people in Plaizi a small village in India. The writer describe its people as a very self-dependent people that produce everything they need in their daily life. The AKA language was protected from outside influence because of the location of the village that makes it very difficult for outsiders to reach it. The authors then described two trends in the field of linguistics. The first one is based on the theory of Noam Chomsky who mentioned that all languages came from one single origin which is fixed in the human genes. The second trend is the increase interest in small endangered languages around the world, and how the field linguists are interested in idiosyncrasies that distinguish each language from the others and the cultural effects on it. There are 85 percent of the needs to be documented in order to understand it, and the main reason for this documentation comes from the fact that each language contains unique human experiences that reveals many aspects of life . The writer declared very important point regarding the loss of any language. His main idea was based on the fact that every language contains a valuable information about the culture and the knowledge that accumulated from generation to generation in this culture. The author gave us another example of vanishing languages which is the Cmiique Itiom, a language used by the Seri in Mexico and how their language contains the knowledge that is important for all humans. Cmiique Itiom managed to preserved its original form without any outside interference . The Seri managed to keep their language untouched mainly because their hostility to the outsiders. Even the modern commodities likes cars the Seri managed to bring it to their culture but they used for it a unique names that merged from their own language so they never used there Spanish names. The writer mentioned a way to preserved the vanishing languages which is to: â€Å"†¦ enshrine it in writing and compile a dictionary. †. He gave an examples for linguists that worked in those kind of projects like David Harrison and Greg Anderson who compiled the first Tuvan- English dictionary. Also, Steve and Cathay Marlett who worked to finish Cmiique Itiom dictionary, but the writer mentioned very important point which is stated in page 86 : â€Å"But saving a language is not something linguists can accomplish, because salvation must come from within. †. The salvation must come from the people who are using this language by teaching it to the next generation, and also by using dictionaries and books to preserve it and keeping it active as long there is something to speak about it. Writer Choices The writer starts his article by using a story as a hook for the readers, to grab their attention for the rest of the article, and he kept telling the readers different stories about the people he met during his travel. The writer also used creative language ,like figurative language which includes metaphor in many places in the article, and he also used compare and contrast in many other places . Numbers was used by the writers to support his main idea, he mentioned a specific numbers related to the languages in the first page. Visuals aid had been used by the writer to illustrate the subject of his article in a very professional way, yet it was very simple and effective, we can see that from the beautiful pictures for all the people that he met during his trip. Reflection on the Reading Process I found the article hard to read at the beginning, but after using SQ4R and reading the article in class for many times it became much easier for me to understand, and this make the whole process of reading very interesting. The language used not always clear, with difficult word as shown below: Nomadic: roaming about from place to place aimlessly, frequently, or without a fixed pattern of movement. Proselytize: to try to persuade people to join a religion, cause, or group. Dwindle: to gradually become smaller. Thatch: to make (a roof) with dried plant material (called thatch). Supplant: to supersede (another) especially by force or treachery. Atelier: a room where an artist works. Propitious: likely to have or produce good results. Reading process included: Skimming and Skamming ,summarize the article and annotate the key points in it, and SQ4R. Reaction Languages is the soul of human civilizations. The connection between the two of them is very similar to the relationship between human soul and body because without the sole the body will surely collapse because humans need their soul to drive the physical body and to keep him from perishing. In contrast, language plays the same role in people collective awareness about their on existence in the society and culture. Language is the invisible glue that hold the culture pieces together, and without this glue everything will collapse. It’s the strong foundation that up hold the society structures and grant it the strength to resist any outside threats. Why the language is so important? Because it’s the memory of the society. This memory is the experiences and knowledge that transferred from generation to generation until it reached this point in time, and no it will very hard to live without our memories. Losing any language would be similar to someone who lost his own memory. The only thing he can do is to embrace a new experiences and knowledge, and to start accumulating new memories about his new life. Unfortunately, it is the same thing for languages, when the people abandon their own language in favor for new ones they will lose their cultural experiences and knowledge. They will eventually lose their own identity that distinguished them from the rest of humans. Finally, losing any language on earth would be a lost for humanity in general because we will lose our diversity that make life on earth interesting . I think life with one color would be very tedious, and for life to be interesting it should contain whole spectrum of color. Spinoff Topics One of the spinoff topics would be a to study the individuals that abandon their own language and how they adopt with their new languages and cultures.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay

In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain juxtaposes Huck’s adventurous and liberating journey along with Jim on the raft down the river Mississippi with the corrupt life that allows unconscious acceptance to the values of society on the shore. The novel unfolds Huck’s inner mind and records his learning and moral development as he encounters morally corrupt and crooked people on his journey to freedom. The novel contrasts between the constricting life on the shore and the freedom offered by the journey on the river.   Though Huck’s raft follows the river towards its downward journey, he goes against the stream in his life learning on his own the hard realities of life. Huck finds the two wealthy sisters Widow Douglas and Miss Watson, who adopt him, as the true representatives of the society that is based on hypocritical religious and ethical values. Though Widow Douglas is more patient and gentle towards Huck, he finds her care and concern quite restrictive. When she puts him in new clothes he could do nothing but feel cramped sweating a lot. He does not find any meaning in prayer before the dinner and in the stories of Moses and the Bulrushers who were dead long time ago. Though the life in the care of Widow Douglas is decent and dignified, cozy and comfortable, Huck does not like it much. He feels his old ways of living are the best. Living in a house and sleeping in a bed pulled on me pretty tight mostly, but before the cold weather I used to slide out and sleep in the woods sometimes, and so that was a rest to me. I liked the old ways Best. (Twain 13) He finds Miss Watson’s attempts to ‘sivilize’ him most annoying. For him, she is the best example of severe and unforgiving laws of Christian life which are against his individual freedom. He feels â€Å"Miss Watson she kept pecking at me, and it got tiresome and lonesome†.   He is so vexed with the ways of living under the care of Miss Watson that he feels one night quite depressed and feels â€Å"I felt so lonesome I most wished I was dead.†   (Twain 5) When Miss Watson insists that he should pray he can not find any reason to pray when his prayers are not answered by God. When he asks her to try for him she calls him a fool. Huck tries several times in his own way asking God for the things he wanted, but he could not find any response from God. He finds it quite impractical. He does not find any advantage for him in praying for others as told by Widow. He finds a lot of difference between Widow and Miss Watson who both pray and teach the same things to him about Providence. The following lines best illustrate his understanding of his two guardians who differ a lot in their attitude. I judged I could see that there was two Providences, and a poor chap would stand considerable show with the widow’s Providence, but if Miss Watson’s got him there warn’t no help for him any more. (Twain 11) Huck’s father, Pap, an incorrigible wreck with his disgusting and ghostlike appearance in tattered clothes, represents the generally debased white society and the failed family. Pap, who is always after the money earned by Huck, feels jealous of his son’s education when his son is living with Widow Douglas and going to school. He not only kidnaps his son but also virtually imprisons him in a cabin in the woods and beats him completely drunk. In fact, he proves dangerous and provides the immediate and most potent cause for Huck’s escape from the society on the shore. On the contrary, he finds a trusting and caring surrogate father in Jim who accompanies him in his escape from the shore. Jim, a runaway slave from the house of Miss Watson, stands for strong family relationship, nobility and loyalty. He takes the extreme step of running away from Miss Watson’s house as he suspects he would be sold for another master which will eventually separate him from his family. Though he seems superstitious and ignorant, he is an intelligent man with a deep understanding of human life. Jim he was right; he was most always right; he had an uncommon level head for a nigger. (Twain 55). There is a strong bond of friendship and understanding between Huck and Jim on the raft. Both are desperately in need of protecting themselves from the selfish people in the society. The raft on the river Mississippi provides them an opportunity to save their lives. It offers them the much needed freedom. The following passage aptly conveys their dire need to run away from society. I was powerful glad to get away from the feuds, and so was Jim to get away from the swamp. We said there warn’t no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don’t. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft. (Twain 83) The life on the raft is different in many ways from the life that is found on the shore. The raft provides them not only as escape from the corrupt and selfish people, but also an opportunity to be what they are and to do what they like. It gives them a unique opportunity to explore their true identity and their stand in relation to many things in life. They are closest to their true nature on the raft in the lovely and mighty presence of the river and the woods. It offers them unrestricted and uninhibited freedom. Huck feels happy and liberated on the raft and expresses the same in the following words: It’s lovely to live on a raft. We had the sky up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them, and discuss about whether they was made or only just happened. (Twain 84) Twain has brilliantly contrasted the plight of a white boy with that of a slave Jim. The story of the novel revolves around these two characters that are almost in the same boat with similar problems. As luck would have it, they share the same raft in their escape for freedom. Huck finds Jim’s presence on the raft comforting and supportive as Jim is practical, intelligent and trustworthy though, at times, he seems sentimental. Jim not only cooks food for Huck but also protects him from dangers. Jim’s acts of selflessness and his longing to meet his family have left an indelible impression on Huck. Huck is very determined till the end to save Jim and to get him free. However, the life on the raft is not without its share of dangers and threats. Huck and Jim get separated when their raft is hit by a steamer in the river. Huck’s encounter with the family of Grangerfords exposes him to pretentious importance that people attach to their family’s honor or prestige. Huck suspects behind the kindhearted and gentle people in the family, there is an unreasonable feud between them and the Shepherdsons. It makes no sense to Huck. Many of the people belonging to these families die in a bitter gun fight from which Huck luckily escapes. After facing many challenging situations Huck and Jim once again continue their journey on the raft further towards the south. The two con artists who ask for help and seek refuge on the raft prove dangerous to Huck in the end. The two con artists involve in various crimes at times claiming to be the descendants of royal family and sometimes, pretending to be great actors and evangelists. They once again remind the crookedness of the people in the society on the shore. The raft has proved an excellent place to enjoy the perfect freedom and bliss without any interference. Though Jim is there with him all the time, he is silent and provided a good company with his accommodating nature. Huck enjoys Jim’s company and the journey most. He expresses his happiness saying, It was kind of solemn, drifting down the big, still river, laying on our backs looking up at the stars, and we didn’t ever feel like talking loud, and it warn’t often that we laughed — only a little kind of a low chuckle. (Twain 47) The long journey on the raft has provided Huck with many opportunities to learn new things and develop his own logic. Every challenge he faces presents him with an opportunity to think about it deeply and to come to a conclusion which he feels right. His association with Jim on the raft has given him opportunity to think clearly and form his own opinion without any interference. He prefers to follow his own instinct and logic than to accept the unquestioned conventions of the society.   Huck’s determination to save Jim when he is caught demonstrates his maturity and broadness of understanding. Huck has to undergo an internal struggle to overcome some of the notions that have been ingrained in him by the society. Every time Huck faces a problem he applies his mind and comes out with a decision what he feels right, though it might look wrong and offending to the white community. He takes help from Tom Sawyer in rescuing Jim finally. Huck loses his faith in the society that has failed to protect him. Though the Widow tried her best to give him what he has missed, it has proved imperfect to mould him. His growing distance from the society makes him skeptical about it. His natural intelligence and his ability to think through a situation have enabled him to form his own right conclusions. Thus, he creates his own rules and develops his character throughout the journey. Twain depicts the society around Huck with people who are degraded in their values. The actions of these people defy logic and commonsense. For example, when the judge allows Pap, the wreck and disgusting drunkard, to keep custody of Huck, he gives more importance to the right of ownership than to the welfare of the innocent boy. It clearly depicts the social system that has fallen in its moral standing. It highlights the white man’s rights over his property whether it is a slave or a son. The Mississippi River plays the most important role in the novel providing freedom and refreshing experience to Huck and Jim who are in their quest for freedom. They travel from their home town St. Petersburg, Missouri, north of St. Louis, hundreds of miles into the Deep South.   The odyssey down the river lends the story a mystic element offering contentment to the people who come in search of freedom. The river with its power and grandeur sets a meaningful background to the story that contrasts life on the river with the life on the shore. The river plays the role of liberating influence on the two characters Huck and Jim. It is the only place where they can feel at home though they are on a raft. Huck arrives at the conclusion that the idyllic life, peace and brotherhood of himself and Jim have given him more satisfaction and a sense of freedom and understanding as opposed to the inhumanity, the feud and the degenerated values of society. Thus, it is a journey in search of understanding and freedom leaving behind the so called ‘sivilization’ that destroys innocence and enslaves human beings. In short, Huck’s journey is from unthinking acceptance of received values and knowledge to an independently achieved understanding of what is right. It is journey from boyhood to manhood, from servitude to freedom. T. S. Eliot, the great English poet and critic of the twentieth century who also grew up on the banks of the same river says, â€Å"the river makes the book a great book† It has fired the imagination of the boy Huck and became the only real home for him. Reference Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn <   >

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bus 40 Essay

Bus 40 Essay Bus 40 Essay ASSN 7 NOTES BUS 40 International Business Principles†¨Practical Assignment #7†¨COFFEE CONSUMPTION AND MARKET POTENTIAL ANALYSIS†¨ Practical Assignment # 7: Research the coffee consumption level of Country 1 and 2.†¨a. How many coffee shops exist in Country 1? Canada I could not find numbers of each shop, only names. I am still trying to find numbers for the final term paper. Blenz Coffee Inc. Caffe Artigiano Inc. Independents Other multiples Second Cup Ltd. Serious Coffee Ltd. Starbucks Corporation Tim Hortons Inc. Timothy's Coffees of the World Inc. (Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc.) Total Waves Coffee House What is the growth rate of coffee shops? Overall retail sales of coffee increased 22% in 2012. While overall coffee sales my see a slight slow down in crease, the retail level will see the least of this as "home dining" is expected to decrease as well. †¨How much coffee is consumed in coffee shops and inside the homes? More than 65% of adults in Canada consume coffee daily, which adds up to about 2.8 cups a day. Home consumption is slightly higher at 51%, or 79% of al coffee drinkers consuming coffee at home per day. On the bright side, the number of people buying from coffee shops to later be brewed at home is increasing. What is the growth rate of coffee consumption? The growth rate for coffee consumption is approximately 3% yearly. b. How many coffee shops exist in Country 2? Philippines Starbucks Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Bo's

Monday, October 21, 2019

Trinity and Cypher Essays

Trinity and Cypher Essays Trinity and Cypher Paper Trinity and Cypher Paper Movies are wonderful things; they can inspire, spark debate, and even make you believe in what you are seeing. Virtual Reality is a creation of a highly interactive computer-based multimedia environment in which the user becomes a participant with the computer in a virtually real world. This is what the Matrix really is. In the opening scenes we are introduced to only a few of The Matrixs main characters. Firstly, we overhear 2 mysterious, secretive voices, male and female. Morpheus believes he is the one. Do you? It doesnt matter what I think. We do not know who they are at this point however, later it becomes clear that it was Trinity and Cypher on the phone, and that the phone was being tapped by the agents, who learn of Trinitys whereabouts and seek her out. The first character we visually see is Trinity, sitting at a computer, wearing a tight black latex cat suit, little does she know that there are policemen gathering outside the door to her hotel room. The police kick the door down and Trinity doesnt move. As one policeman advances to arrest Trinity, the action begins and we see Trinity as highly trained in the martial arts. She knocks the policemen to the floor, either dead or unconscious and the scene ends. We now think of trinity as some kind of Fugitive. There are some special effects in this scene, which I shall look at later. Trinity means a group of three. The character is part of the Neo-Trinity-Morpheus group, and also part of the Neo-Trinity-Cypher love triangle. The name could also refer to the Christian Trinity (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit). You can tell that the Agents are the baddies instantly. They seem robotic, and powerful and very stereotypical, they wear black suits and dark sunglasses. Do they have something to hide? They walk and do things in unison with each other, this perhaps shows that they are robots and are controlled as a unit? Agent Smith is obviously the leader, as he gives out the commands; the other two agents that we see him with in the first scenes obey without question. All the agents wear earpieces and receive messages through these. Are they being told what to do by someone else? Or are they being told what to do by the Matrix? Agent Smith the name of the main Agent in the movie. Like Anderson, this is a generic sounding name, representing conformity, and the faceless nature of the Agents. Morpheus asks the agent who he is. The agent replies Agent Smith. Morpheus responds with You all look the same to me. Cypher is the unknown voice on the other end of the phone to Trinity right at the beginning of the Matrix. We dont know anything about Cypher until later on apart from the fact that he talks about killing someone and that he works with Trinity. We do not know his name until later on in the film, however the phone call conversation gets the viewers wondering what the film is about. One meaning for the word Cypher is zero. This is funny, because if Neo is the one (1), then that makes Cypher the zero (0). Together, Cypher and Neo are 0 and 1, the two digits in the binary number system used by computers. The two of them are opposing values in the movie, because they are working towards opposite ends. This number reference continues with Trinity as the 3. Therefore there also ought to be a character who is symbolically the 2, but who is it? Maybe it is Thomas Anderson, Neos name inside the Matrix. Thomas means twin. The whole movie is all about dual existence, in reality and in the Matrix. Another meaning of Cypher is a cryptographic system in which symbols are transposed or substituted. Symbolically, this name shows that Cypher is concealing something. Morpheus is first heard on the phone to Trinitys mobile. He sounds powerful and in control, he speaks calmly and slowly. He reassures Trinity and tells her to get out to the phone box outside, in which she can get out of the Matrix. The Matrix uses colour themes, where a single colour dominates many scenes in the movie. Some other movies Ive seen that use this visual technique are The Cook, the Thief, His Wife Her Lover, and Temptation of a Monk, to name just two. The three main colours (other than black) in the movie, in order of how often they occur are Green, Blue, and Red. The whole of the first scene is very dark, because it is set at night. The lighting gives a very tense, dangerous feeling and leaves the viewers on the edge of their seats. Spotlights are used a lot in the first scene, whilst following the policemen; the only lighting given off is from their torches. The viewers can only see what the policemen can see; therefore it makes them feel part of the action. In the real world, there is usually a blue tint on everything, whereas in the matrix, they use green tints. The green colour theme starts at the very beginning of the movie, and it is the most often used theme. The green-on-black theme may be a reference to old monochrome computer monitors, which often displayed green on a black background. The green inside the Matrix symbolises computers and artificial intelligence. It makes everything look quite creepy and unreal. The opening scene, which is very dark creates a sense of foreboding and uneasiness. I think you can say that RED would be the colour that represents sacrifice for freedom. (RED usually indicates blood, which is usually a requirement for freedom) Red pill = freedom Red woman = by longing for the woman in red Neo risks his freedom in taking a second look and almost getting shot by an Agent Red blood = end of the movie, when he bleeds and becomes freed from his mind and becomes The One Red pod = when he wakes up and sees the red stuff around him, he becomes freed from the enslavement of the Matrix. Sound is a major issue in The Matrix. There are many sounds in the first scene that set the mood of the film. Computer bleeps, keyboard tapping etc. Many of the sounds we hear are voices. The voices of Trinity and Cypher on the phone, and Morpheus cool and reassuring voice, when he talks to trinity on her mobile. There are also a whole range of sound effects and music. These are what I shall concentrate on. There are a lot of diegetic sounds in the first scenes of The Matrix. Gunshots, the sound of feet running, footsteps, the Agents car pulling up to the hotel etc. All of these sounds add to the realistic atmosphere of the film.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Chemical Reaction That Causes Rust

The Chemical Reaction That Causes Rust Rust is the common name for iron oxide. The most familiar form of rust is the reddish coating that forms flakes on iron and steel (Fe2O3), but rust also comes in other colors, including yellow, brown, orange, and even green! The different colors reflect various chemical compositions of rust. Rust specifically refers to oxides on iron or iron alloys, such as steel. Oxidation of other metals has other names. There is tarnish on silver and verdigris on copper, for example. The Chemical Reaction That Forms Rust Although rust is considered the result of an oxidation reaction, its worth noting not all iron oxides are rust. Rust forms when oxygen reacts with iron  but simply putting iron and oxygen together isnt sufficient. Although about 20 percent  of air consists of oxygen, rusting doesnt occur in dry air. It occurs in moist air and in water. Rust requires three chemicals to form: iron, oxygen, and water. iron water oxygen  Ã¢â€ â€™Ã‚  hydrated iron(III) oxide This is an example of an electrochemical reaction and corrosion. Two distinct electrochemical reactions occur: There is anodic dissolution or oxidation of iron going into aqueous (water) solution: 2Fe  Ã¢â€ â€™Ã‚  2Fe2  Ã‚  Ã‚  4e- Cathodic reduction of oxygen that is dissolved into water also occurs: O2  Ã‚   2H2O 4e-  Ã¢â€ â€™Ã‚  4OH-  Ã‚   The iron ion and the hydroxide ion react to form iron hydroxide:   2Fe2   4OH-  Ã‚  Ã¢â€ â€™Ã‚  2Fe(OH)2 The iron oxide reacts with oxygen to yield red rust, Fe2O3.H2O Because of the electrochemical nature of the reaction, dissolved electrolytes in water aid the reaction. Rust occurs more quickly in saltwater than in pure water, for example. Keep in mind oxygen gas, O2, is not the only source of oxygen in air or water. Carbon dioxide, CO2, also contains oxygen. Carbon dioxide and water react to form weak carbonic acid. Carbonic acid is a better electrolyte than pure water. As the acid attacks the iron, water breaks into hydrogen and oxygen. Free oxygen and dissolved iron form iron oxide, releasing electrons, which can flow to another part of the metal. Once rusting starts, it continues to corrode the metal. Preventing Rust Rust is brittle, fragile,  progressive, and weakens iron and steel. To protect iron and its alloys from rust, the surface needs to be separated from air and water. Coatings can be applied to iron. Stainless steel contains chromium, which forms an oxide, much like how iron forms rust. The difference is the chromium oxide does not flake away, so it forms a protective layer on the steel.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Peter pan and mary poppins Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Peter pan and mary poppins - Essay Example They both also allow a chance for adults and children alike to be children again, and go back to that time when nothing mattered except having fun. However, the two stories also have their subtle differences as well. It is true both of them contain high amounts of fantasy and neither of them are set in the real world, and both of them take place to some extent in London, however there are several different running themes that could come into conflict with each other if one was to compare and contrast the two stories. Peter Pan, also known as the Boy Who Never Grew Up originally started as a play back in the early nineteen hundreds. It was then adapted into a book under the title of Peter Pan and Wendy. The story follows the fantasy tale of Peter Pan, a boy who never grew up who lives in never land with the Lost Boys. He is assisted in his mischievous ways by his trusty fairy Tinker bell. The fantasy elements in Peter Pan help keep the story light and full of imagination, which is why it is often filed as a children's tales; and to some degree it is. But beneath the surface is a message that is just as important, if not more important for everyone to understand. Hidden behind the pirates and flying fairies is the message of love and staying true to yourself and true to your youth, and that is a message that every person, child and adult, can listen to and take advice from. This wanting to never ... This seems to be a somewhat subtle way of the author saying that you can shirk growing up as long as you want to, but you also have to be able to accept the responsibilities that come with not growing up. The characters of Peter Pan and Wendy also form literary foils of each other within the work of the novels. Where Peter represents the light heartiness and joys of child hood, Wendy seems to take on a more motherly role, as she has felt the pain and suffering that Peter ignores and doesn't let get to him. These two characters almost play off each other, as Peter and Wendy begin to learn a little more about each other, as well as a little more about how each other looks at life. And while all of this is going on, the evil Captain Hook represents the worrying adult, the darker side of growing up, and the constant fear of time and the next step. Romantic themes also run rampant in the story, with the hormones of Peter struggling with the different female archetypes represented in the story by Wendy, Tinkerbelle, and Tiger Lily. Most of these elements have been severely played down or removed in the later adaptations of this work, however they are clearly and strongly present in the original version of the tale. This subtle tale of love also parallels the feelings of growing up, and how Peter is reluctant to settle down with any of the women in his life and instead ops for the looseness he gets by being Never lands most eligible bachelor. Another subtle theme is often thought to be only done to limit the size of the cast, but the characters of Wendy's father and Captain Hook are often played by the same man. While this may hold little value in the book version of the tale, the subtle connections between these two character's effects on the plot and

Performance Analysis Between Ibsens Play Ghosts and Robert Lepage Blue Essay

Performance Analysis Between Ibsens Play Ghosts and Robert Lepage Blue Dragon - Essay Example Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen Henrik Ibsen is known for his plays that portray issues regarding morality. Ghosts is also one of the plays that represent 19th century morality through its characters. This is a story of a woman Helen Alving who is about to establish an orphanage in the memory of her dead husband. Mrs. Alving consults her spiritual adviser Pastor Manders as well. Throughout the play, Mrs. Alving is seen dealing with different issues related to morality thrown at her from different aspects of life. Mrs. Alving has been trying to save her family from her philandering husband throughout the story. In order to save her son from being corrupted by his father, she sends her away. Her worries double when it is disclosed that her son is suffering from an inherited sexually transmitted disease which cannot be cured. In addition to a large number of moral issues, another issue is raised in the play when Mrs. Alving finds out that her son Oswald has fallen in love with Regina Engstrand, Helen Alving’s maid. The morality comes into question when it is disclosed that Regina is an illegitimate daughter of Captain Alving, thus Oswald’s half-sister. Amid all the problems, Mrs. Alving is occupied in the dilemma of whether or not to euthanize her son as he wishes. Thus, another issue of morality i.e. euthanasia is raised towards the end of the play. Regarding the performance of the play, it was observed that the acting was not psychologically engaged. The actors did not put their heart and mind into bringing the play to life. It felt like a flat delivery of the script and did not have any feel to it. The fact that Ibsen’s script is very strong cannot be denied but in order to show the significance of the play, it has to be acted well as well. Thus, it can be said that the significance of the issues raised by this play were lost somewhere amid the poor acting by the actors. The overall theatrical setting was not impressive as well, as it was observed t hat the theatrical setting required rich context but here it was merely flat which lowered the significance of the play. In some of the scenes, it was observed that the lines were delivered in a flat manner rather than in a dynamic tone. For example; when Manders interrogates Regina, the interrogation seemed reckless and flat rather than being serious and dramatic. The delivery of lines was mostly flat and without any expressions. In order to bring the feel into a play, it is highly important that the lines be delivered in just the manner as intended by the writer otherwise the meaning of the lines may be lost. This was the case with this play where the meaning and significance of the lines were lost amid the lack of expressions by the actors. It was noticed that there was lack of sufficient discussion among the actors before the play. There was no psychological connection between the actors and everyone seemed to deliver his own lines without considering the intensity of the respon se from the opposite actor. It was also observed that actors crashed into one another’s lines. This was the evidence of the fact that there was lack of sufficient practice. The characteristic of a good theatre is that it connects its audience emotionally but this attribute was missing in the overall performance. There were certain bits where the actors emanated feelings such as the grief shown by Oswald upon his condition. The point that was done well was the representation of the tension

Friday, October 18, 2019

Caterpillar's Strength in Surviving the Most Recent Global Economic Essay

Caterpillar's Strength in Surviving the Most Recent Global Economic - Essay Example Caterpillar continuously maintained its core competency and followed strategic measures to sustain its state of success in the market of global competition. In the late 1990s, the company was seen to improve more and diversify into engine production, finance, re-engineering and logistics which although showed signs of enhancement in the company’s profits, but at the same time, created concerns over rising debts that could pose troubles for the company in the approaching recession of 2008. Nevertheless, Caterpillar successfully survived the recession and maintained its position in the market (BMAN20002 Caterpillar Inc. Case, pp.1-4). This research study would thus reflect on the company’s strength in terms of its core competency as well as strategic business policies that might have aided the company to survive through the phase of recession. Performance of the company before and after the recession of 2008: The performance of the company before and after the recession c an be studied by going through some of the financials of the company. For this purpose, the financials of last four years, comprising the period between 2007 and 2010, have been taken into consideration. The case study indicates that the company had improved its performance in the late 1990s. From a period of 1980 till 2007, the company’s results showed fluctuations but an overall increase in its net sales came about moving from as low as $10000m to $50000m, and the operating profit margins ranging from a negative percentage to as high as 15 percent (BMAN20002 Caterpillar Inc. Case, p.6). The gross profit, the operating income, and the net income of the company from 2007 till 2010 are represented in Exhibit 1 below: Exhibit 1. Gross profit, Operating income and Net income of Caterpillar Company from December 2007 till December 2010 (Bloomberg Business Week, 2011). (In millions of US Dollars) December 31, 2007 (USD) December 31, 2008 (USD) December 31, 2009 (USD) December 31, 2010 (USD) Gross profit 11,200.0 11,756.0 7,465.0 11,307.0 Operating income 4,921.0 4,478.0 1,305.0 3,996.0 Net Income 3,541.0 3,557.0 895.0 2,700.0 Thus if the profits and income as represented for the period before and after the recession are considered, it can be found that the company had suffered losses from the period between 2008 and 2009; however the results improved thereafter reflecting that the company had successfully survived the recession. The return on the company’s equity for the period before and after the recession can be represented through the following table: Exhibit 2. Return on Equity (ROE) of Caterpillar Company for the period from December 2007 till December 2010 (Bloomberg Business Week, 2011). (In millions of US Dollars) December 31, 2007 (USD) December 31, 2008 (USD) December 31, 2009 (USD) December 31, 2010 (USD) Net Income 3,541.0 3,557.0 895.0 2,700.0 Equity 8,996.0 6,714.0 9,300.0 11,325.0 ROE (Net Income / Equity) (in %) 0.39 0.53 0.10 0.24 Th e return on equity had been reasonably low over the last four years. However after the recession the percentage had fallen very low which can be found to be improving sooner as reflected through the results of December 2010. The debt issued by the company can be represented through the following chart that would show whether the company had to face troubles owing to increasing debt amounts. Figure 1. Debts issued

Explore the similarities and differences of Chinese and Indian Essay

Explore the similarities and differences of Chinese and Indian management styles - Essay Example Evidence show that crosses cultural management theory helps the managers to be prepared against managerial crisis. It also helps them in choosing the most perfect managerial technique from a variety of techniques, which helps in support business activity (Yau, 2007). The most suitable focus would be to understand the importance of the multiple culture and their utilities for the changes required in the business practice. Cross cultural management theory would require the appreciation of changes and would lead to repositioning of the organization and alteration of the organizations traditional Human Resource Management practices and perspectives (Pang, Roberts and Sutton, 2006). The study will deal with the perspective of cross cultural management and its relevance. The author of the study will give an insight into the increased complexity of the present changing marketing environment and the relevance of the cross cultural management theory in aid for various managerial problems. ... This theory helps the competent managers to recognize and understand the positive and negative impact of the management development theories in assessing the cultural requirements. It also helps the managers in solving the complex business problems and improvement of the existing managerial procedures. Several authors had contributed a considerable time on developing theories about quality management techniques, which improve the transparency between the management and the customer for deriving various contrasting solutions. Globalization and internationalization has introduced several changes in the team composition, dynamics and the workplace (Ward, Entrkin and Pearson, 2002). Several interdepartmental business units of different business sizes are regarded extremely important business source for integration of a singular economy. The organizations which are considered important as domestic business units are lagging behind international business organizations and the major reason behind it is the non understanding of the cross cultural management theory. The impact of diversified work culture on team productivity can be satisfying and rewarding when the organizational climate is positive and congenial (Colson, 2013). Culture is an integral part, which acts as an external source of deep influence and also helps in improving the employee behaviour (Wes, Desai and Burt, 2000). The profound impact of the cross cultural management theories on the business activities help in coping with the certainty and uncertainty collectively. These theories have an impact equally on the individual based strategies developed by the employees

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Temperament Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Temperament Theory - Research Paper Example It also shows the difference between each and every individual infant. The way children behave in the society forms the major part of this study. Since behavior of children in each stage of their life changes, this theory gives us an opportunity to study about the difference in their behavior. It also provides a way to know about the children’s psychological development and factors that determine a child’s relationship with their parents. Temperament theory paves a way to analyze a child’s social activities and its approach towards life. As parent play a major part in a child’s life, their experiences are also taken into consideration. Temperament theory was proposed way back in the 1970’s but it has gained popularity only after the intervention of certain researchers. Researches specify that parents and pediatricians have a major part to play in a child’s life and they are considered to be the best people from whom a child’s characteristic feature can be understood. (Rothbart, 1981).This theory uses parents report to analyze the children and this report is of great help to measure a child’s level of tolerance and behavior. Recent studies have proposed advanced techniques to assess a child’s behavior and temperament. Temperamental characteristics of a child are recorded for a longer duration since the behavior differs depending on the situation. Though there are various methods to analyze a child’s temperament, certain unique theories and methods have been used for a longer of period of time. They have proved to be successful among most of the countries. These methods consider a child’s activities, level of stress and fear to a particular situation. The level of persistence is also taken into consideration since it enables them to know about the child’s annoyance and arrogance. This process cannot be done hastily and no child can be analyzed overnight. It requires months of study and analysis. To accomplish this, a questionnaire

Turkey and the European Union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Turkey and the European Union - Essay Example As a prerequisite for joining the union, a country should satisfy a basic condition of being able to prove that it is democratically stable and able to address the issues of humanitarian and international concerns. However, the public and media circles have been full of accusations labeled against turkey mostly because it is a predominantly Muslim nation. Most of the European Union nations have argued that the country is of an incompatible value system having been through a different timeline in its historical and religious history. As a result, the arguments against the nation’s membership to the EU have been based on a religious cum cultural compatibility with other states in the union. In other words, by being a country that has faced a lot of historical influence through Islamic dominance in its political and social structure, the opposing voices for the country’s inclusion in the EU state that this has worked against the country. The attachment of Islamic faith wit h terrorism has also been a factor in the determination of the country’s EU status at least according to some public observers. The fear of Islam among other faiths in the region has been high in the aftermath of terror attacks in major European cities; all connected to individuals or groups of Islamic background. It then follows that most people have wanted to associate the integration of the country into the union to increased terrorism in the region. Apart from the country’s religious heritage, its size has been a factor with many arguing that the country population which nears that of Germany; may be a hindrance to the region’s economic development. Other issues raised have attachment to the country’s poverty index, largely rural population and conflict prone boarders. Turkey has myriad of problems just like other European Union countries. Some of the problems are a result of the coup attempt in Cyprus. Muftuler and Guney (282) indicate some of the re asons why this conflict has a bearing on the determination of Turkey as a member of the EU. The origin of this conflict starts with the long followed conflict in Cyprus, which stems from the Greek and Turkish Cypriots living in the country. The country has been in the middle of the conflict due to its push to defend their counterparts who are settled in Cyprus. One factor that complicates this matter is that Greece is already a member of the EU yet it has been conflicting with the country concerning Cyprus. Turkey’s involvement in the conflict was as a result of the marginalization of the Turkish Cypriots even after the United Kingdom, Greece and the country signed a treaty of guarantee to Cyprus. This issue also highlights the problem of immigration. Migration has historically been attached to the enhancement of multiculturalism in regions such as Europe. However, Huysmans (752) highlights that a social realignment of this issue has resulted in ‘securitization of migra tion.’ Simply put, migration has been attached mostly to security issues rather than on the potential of interactions of the immigrants that can result into economic and social development. Most western nations have always majored on security and used this as a reason for restricting movement against the foundations of freedoms of association and movement.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Temperament Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Temperament Theory - Research Paper Example It also shows the difference between each and every individual infant. The way children behave in the society forms the major part of this study. Since behavior of children in each stage of their life changes, this theory gives us an opportunity to study about the difference in their behavior. It also provides a way to know about the children’s psychological development and factors that determine a child’s relationship with their parents. Temperament theory paves a way to analyze a child’s social activities and its approach towards life. As parent play a major part in a child’s life, their experiences are also taken into consideration. Temperament theory was proposed way back in the 1970’s but it has gained popularity only after the intervention of certain researchers. Researches specify that parents and pediatricians have a major part to play in a child’s life and they are considered to be the best people from whom a child’s characteristic feature can be understood. (Rothbart, 1981).This theory uses parents report to analyze the children and this report is of great help to measure a child’s level of tolerance and behavior. Recent studies have proposed advanced techniques to assess a child’s behavior and temperament. Temperamental characteristics of a child are recorded for a longer duration since the behavior differs depending on the situation. Though there are various methods to analyze a child’s temperament, certain unique theories and methods have been used for a longer of period of time. They have proved to be successful among most of the countries. These methods consider a child’s activities, level of stress and fear to a particular situation. The level of persistence is also taken into consideration since it enables them to know about the child’s annoyance and arrogance. This process cannot be done hastily and no child can be analyzed overnight. It requires months of study and analysis. To accomplish this, a questionnaire

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

If parents can save for only one thing, should they save for their Essay

If parents can save for only one thing, should they save for their children's college fund or for their own retirement - Essay Example That is why there are now two schools of thought when it comes to a child's college education. Either a parent pays for the child's education or they don't. Not paying for a child's education may sound unreasonable to most parents but because of economic uncertainties relating to the advancing ages of the parents, there are actually solid arguments to support the latter school of thought. Susan Adams, columnist for Forbes magazine explains that; .... it turns out that students whose educational costs are paid for entirely by their parents, engage in more leisure activities. In other words, they party instead of study. Most students don’t party so hard that they flunk out of college, but they do damage to their academic performance(Adams, Susan â€Å"Want Your Kids to Succeed? Don't Pay for Their Education†). The hard earned and saved money that the parents pour into their child's education goes unappreciated and ill spent because the children choose to take it easy in c ollege since their parents pick up the tab even for a change in college majors. It is perhaps because of the ease of life that the students have in college due to their parents shouldering the bill that has led to the current generation of lackluster college graduates. In fact, Elizabeth Armstrong, a sociology professor at the University of Michigan observed that parents had a tendency to cut back on their personal savings in order to make room for their college bound or resident children. She claimed that ; â€Å"I noticed there were a lot of parents who had to scrimp and save and pull money from all sorts of sources, and they were not getting the results they expected â€Å" (qtd. in Adams). As future retirees, parents must remember that no retiree will get a retirement loan. It is up to you as a parent to find the right balance between the educational needs of your children and your own retirement needs. Consider the following: â€Å" The choice to pay for a child’s edu cation is certainly a personal one, but most financial experts agree on one point: parents should not sacrifice their retirement funding in order to pay for their kids’ educations. â€Å" (Mayfield, Julie & Mayfield, Lindsey â€Å"Should Parents Pay for College?†). Future retirees have a tendency to save in bulk for both their retirement and the college fund of their kids. Some parents argue that because the IRA and 401 (k) allow for advance withdrawals for their children's college needs, then there is no reason that they cannot help out with tuition and other college expenses. It is after all, a penalty free withdrawal against their investments But, will still be subject to tax agreements. As a parent and future retiree it is important to keep in mind that; You are using up your retirement savings. Once the money has been withdrawn from the IRA, you can't put it back. The only way to increase your IRA balance is through the normal contributions, which are subject to the annual limits. (â€Å"Retirement Plans and Saving for College†). One of the basic reasons that parents find themselves wanting to remain involved in their children's tertiary education, even though there are methods by which a student can actually pay for his own school fees independently, is that a ... parents’ sense of efficacy for helping their children succeed in school focuses on the extent to which parents believe that through their involvement they can exert positive influence on their

Monday, October 14, 2019

Gap Year After Graduation Essay Example for Free

Gap Year After Graduation Essay Nowadays, students leaving high school regularly travel, do voluntary work or a job in a gap year before going on to higher education. Undoubtedly, students occupy various benefits from experiments in gap year. It is apparent that after rigorous terms, a gap year which students possibly travel, volunteer society or do temporary work before deciding to join in higher education stimulates positively their practical and adaptive capability. Initially, those dynamic activities possibly enhance empirical ability of youngsters who passively acquire knowledge during high school. In evidence, learners feasibly comprehend miracles of foreign languages when they practice experimentally via travelling or voluntary work in abroad. More significantly, not only can a gap year improves practical ability but also enhances communication skill through youngster’s real factual experiences. Only by adapting to a changeable and flexible environment can students expend their personal skill and learn how to communicate effectively. Accordingly, a period time which students perform them after high school period effects advantageously to their practical and soft skill. That the young experience in gap year is not only a principal platforms which help them choose higher education form but also a chance to become more mature. A gap year with profound considerations cumulated by real experiments justifies what kind of higher education they are advisedly appropriate for. The young who are able to apply into universities and passionate studying advanced knowledge identify accurately their choice. Nevertheless, others who are appropriate for practicing in actual life also ascertain that their selection is vocation. Additionally, facing to challenge of real life leads them to be awareness profoundly of the changing world. Hardly can the young be mature when they always are protected carefully by parents and are not responsible for themselves. Briefly, a gap year is precious chances which support the young identify what they real want. Therefore, challenge in real life which students pass in a gap year is also valuable experiments for developing in the future.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Soy Protein Contents in Soybean Milk

Soy Protein Contents in Soybean Milk Soy is probably most well known for its protein content because soy has a high Protein Efficiency Ratio, which means that the amino acids that are contained in soy protein are made from a large percentage of essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are known as an amino acid that cannot be produced by our body but need be provided by the diet. Soybean milk is a milk substitute which is consists of soybean flour and water. Besides, it also used in some infant formulas and in making tofu. Soybean milk is a rich source of high-quality protein and vitamin B. Although soybean milk is not a rich source of calcium, the most of commercial soybean milk products are fortified with calcium. Soybean milk naturally contains isoflavones which are a plant chemicals that help lower LDL known as the bad cholesterol and it does not affect the good blood cholesterol, HDL. However, drinking too much soybean milk could possibly increase the risk of cancer because isoflavones are weak estrogens. There are many benefits to consuming the soybean milk in comparison to cow milk. First, soybean milk contains only vegetable protein which has the advantage that causes less loss of calcium through the kidneys and provides a lower risk for osteoporosis compare to the animal protein. In addition, soybean milk contains no lactose which is a better alternative to people who lose the ability to digest lactose, the carbohydrate found in cow milk this situation is known as lactose intolerance which causes stomach cramps, flatulence and diarrhoea. However, there are very fewer people are allergic to soybean milk only. Furthermore, the soy protein in soybean milk can reduce cholesterol. According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration of US), they concluded that soy protein included in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of CHD by lowering blood cholesterol levels. Besides, The FDA recommends that consumers should have a daily diet ÂÂÂ ­with a total tha t at least 25 grams of soy protein each day. Besides, in the soybean milk does not contain hormones whereas in the cow milk that contains natural hormones and also synthetic hormones such as rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) which used to increase milk production. LITERATURE REVIEW: Nowadays and in future, soybean must be an important foodstuff as the protein source and health foods, because it has been recognized that the soybean protein has an adequate amino acid pattern and that this foodstuff can reduce serum cholesterol levels according to the recent reports. Soy protein refers to the protein that is found in soybeans that are often used to replace animal proteins in an individuals diet. The soybean is a legume that contains no cholesterol and is low in saturated fat. Soy proteins can be divided into different categories according to their production method: soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate and textured soy protein. Soy protein isolate is the soy protein with the highest content of protein. It is made from defatted soy meal by removing most of the fats and carbohydrates, yielding a product with approximately to 90 percent protein. Therefore, soy protein isolate has a very neutral flavour compared to other soy products. Due to the most of the carbohydrates are removed, the intake of soy protein isolate does not cause flatulence. Besides, soy protein isolate is also known as a complete vegetable protein. It contains all essential amino acids for growth and it is equal in quality to the protein in meat, milk and eggs. On the other hand, it has a very low-fat content. Soy protein isolate may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. There are also indications that soy protein can help in the prevention of osteoporosis, some cancers and menopausal symptoms. However, soy protein isolate may have fewer health benefits compare to the whole soybeans or soy protein concentrates. During the production of soy protein isolate the protein is washed with alcohol, and this cause removing most of the isoflavones. The isoflavones have many health benefits such as improving arterial vasodilatation, lowering cholesterol and inhibiting atherosclerosis. Soy protein concentrate is made by removing a portion of the carbohydrates (sugars) from dehulled and defatted soybeans. There are three different methods to produce soy protein concentrate: aqueous alcohol wash process, acid wash process and water wash process with heat denaturation. These methods will yield soy protein concentrate with similar composition: 70 percent protein, 20 percent carbohydrates, 6 percent ash and about 1 percent oil. The solubility of the protein can differ between the different extraction processes. One ton of defatted soybean flakes will give about 750 kg (75 percent yield) of soybean protein concentrate. Soy protein concentrate retains most of the fiber of the original soybean. Soy protein concentrate is widely used as a functional or nutritional ingredient in a wide variety of food products, mainly in baked foods, breakfast cereals and in some meat products. Soy protein concentrate is used in meat and poultry products to increase water and fat retention a nd to improve nutritional values (more protein, less fat). Textured soy protein is made from defatted soy flour that is compressed and processed into granules or chunks. During this process, the structure of the soy proteins changes in fibres. Most textured soy protein is produced from defatted soy flour, soy flakes or soy concentrates with an extrusion process. This extrusion technology can form a fibrous matrix which is almost similar than that of meat. AIM: Soybean milk is a rich source of proteins which are necessary for our body growth and survival. The objective of doing the topic of determination of soy protein content in the soybean milk is to determine the actual protein content in different types of soybean milk. This is because protein content in soybean milk may be lost or concentrated when undergoes in different processes. SHORT NOTE: In this topic, I will present an experiment to test and determine the soy protein in the soybean milk. There will get three types of soybean milk to test which are the homemade soybean milk, commercial soybean milk and sour soybean milk. First, I will extract the soy protein by using acid-wash process. In the first step, the water will remove from the soybean milk by oven heating and then washing the residue with water near the isoelectric point of pH 4-5 so the soluble sugars are removed from the matrix of proteins and polysaccharide. After acid-water washing, the remaining materials are adjusted to near neutrality and dried. In the next step, the Bradford assay is used to react with soy protein and using the spectrometer at the wavelength of 595nm to determine the absorbance. In the same time, a protein standard curve is required to determine and calculate the actual concentration of soy protein content in the soybean milk.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Competition of Apple versus Microsoft :: Technology

Microsoft and Apple are the two leading corporations in the rapidly growing electronic business. Apple Inc. was incorporated January 3, 1977, ('Apple Investor Relations Investor FAQ') one year after Microsoft was funded. In August 1981, Microsoft launched its first version of Windows version 1.0 sparking the competition between Microsoft and Apple. ('Introduction to Microsoft Windows') Microsoft is better than Apple because, people are more familiar with Microsoft Windows rather than Mac OS (Operating System) X. It is easier and cheaper to upgrade Microsoft's software and hardware rather than the Mac PC, and Microsoft's corporation also has much more to offer to the public than Apple Inc. It is true people are more familiar with Microsoft Windows rather than Apple's Mac OS X. After the release of Microsoft's Windows 3.0 in the 1990's, the Apple corporation fell, and more and more people started purchasing Microsoft's Windows, and forgetting that Apple even had an OS. ('1990-1995: Apple vs. Microsoft in the Enterprise.') While Apple only tried to sell their product to the upper class citizen and top businesses, Microsoft looked for ways to push their software out in any and every possible direction. ('1990-1995: Why the World Went Windows') Due to this renown, Microsoft has gained much business and publicity in both the corporate and public worlds. Today Microsoft Windows is everywhere, in almost every office, and in millions of homes around the world. Also, schools across the United States are running Microsoft Windows on their computer hardware. Microsoft Windows? interface and many of their features greatly differ from that of Apple?s Mac OS X. Since both schoo l systems and most major businesses run Microsoft Windows, it benefits to run Microsoft Windows in your own home instead of Apple?s Mac Os X because it would be more difficult to operate something that one is not familiar with. Microsoft products have become some of the most affordable and efficient products in the computer industry. Microsoft?s official website offers free and easy installation of new upgrades and updates for your Microsoft software. Also Microsoft Windows offers a free built in firewall, and security against viruses and spyware. All parts for a Microsoft computer are upgradable and interchangeable as long as the required version of Windows is on the PC. Before Apple started using Microsoft software for the Mac PC (also known as the iMac), the only upgradable hardware for an iMac was the RAM (random access memory), therefore, the only option would be to buy an entirely new PC if something went wrong.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Technical communication in english

Ping Dunn Technical Communication – definition ETC is the theory and practice of effective info exchange at work- working communication ETC is a sub-discipline of communication studies (CSS) that deal with the processes of transmitting or exchanging info other sub-dish. Mass communication, mass media com, business com, health com, etc. ETC Is more general In theory than other sub-disciplines of CSS mass, health and business com deal with only one profession ETC is widely applied to the com. Activities In many professions except literature The reminisces and skills of ETC Is also applicable In other languages, not only English The purposes: 2 major – to inform- enables audience to understand info -to persuade – to convince audience to accept Idea ETC is not for the purpose to appreciate art or literature or drama What is effective communication? II. Features of modern communication Our age is the age of info. No technology – no work, life.Typical features o f MS – we have too much Info to deal with – we have to handle multidisciplinary info that we do not understand We cannot hanged the features in modern communication But we can change out language to make it work for us. We can make It simpler and easier. How to improve our language for effective communication? Ill. Pragmatic rules In ETC Deft: Rules of Language in use concerning the application of language audiences – in specific contexts – for particular purposes These rules work In specific conditions – to intend Rule 1: Follow the time order in process description: what happens first, comes first. OFF There exist different pragmatic rules of language in specific contexts. Sentences of he same meaning but different structures may affect the efficiency of communication. The objective of ETC is to put the pragmatic rules into practice so as to increase the efficiency of communication at work. IV. Three Essential Criteria of ETC 1. Comprehensibility 2. Usability 3. Accessibility 1 .Comprehensibility (easy to understand) Expressing info so the audience can understand it quickly and accurately English thinking process is lenient – like a line – easier to understand the Active better than the Passive Passive voice slows down thinking process and decreases efficiency Rule 1: Avoid using passive voice whenever possible Rule 2: Avoid using the â€Å"weak-verb + multinational† structure Rule 3: Avoid using noun-string pre-modifiers To increase comprehensibility of info you should learn technical rhetoric in writing. . Usability (Easy to use) Definition: Expressing your idea in a way that the audience can follow it to complete the task. Readers of MAT fall into three categories – professionals of the discipline – professionals of related disciplines – general readers or average people Technical writing is a writer-responsible writing It is the writers' responsibility to make their writing easy for all readers to use.To make your writing useful to the reader, you should conduct audience analysis: audience's education: write according to the lowest level education of your predicted audience; professional experience, cultural background, emotion and motivation: be reader-friendly, know your audience 3. Acceptability (Easy to find) Definition: Enabling your audience to find what they want quickly and accurately from large amounts of info. 1. A world-wall writing 2. A structured-writing or info-map

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Parenting In Pride and Prejudice Essay

The novel Pride and Prejudice involves many topics and symbolizes different aspects of life and behavior of people. In this essay I am going to analyze and discuss the theme of parenthood. I will only comment on the characters that are parents or come over as parents, namely, Mr. Bennet, Mrs. Bennet, Mr. Gardiner, Mrs. Gardiner and Lady Catherine De Bourgh. The last character mentioned may not come over as a parent but she acts like one. To begin with, I will start talking about the Bennet family. If we look at the Bennets with modern eyes, we could say that their behavior towards their daughters is very different from how parents get along with their children nowadays. In modern society parents do not marry of their children, we could see this as old fashioned. But in the 19th century the wealthy families wanted that their descendants married other wealthy families in order to save their property. The happiness and feelings of the children did not matter to the parents as we can see in Pride and Prejudice. Mr. Bennet loves his family but he detaches from them in order not to get involved with their lives. He gets on really well with Elizabeth because they both are the most intelligent members of the Bennet family. But as the novel evolves he turns into a father that is weak and in critical moments he fails his family. For instance, he fails his family when Lydia runs off with Wickham. [†¦] â€Å"My dear Mr. Bennet,† said his lady to him one day, â€Å"have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?† Mr. Bennet replied that he had not. â€Å"But it is,† returned she; â€Å"for Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it.† Mr. Bennet made no answer. â€Å"Do not you want to know who has taken it?† cried his wife impatiently. â€Å"You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it.† [†¦] (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Volume I, Chapter I, page 5) In this short extract of the novel Pride and Prejudice a lot is shown about Mr. Bennet and his wife. In the first six lines it is seen that Mr. Bennet does not care that someone has come to live to Netherfield Park. Instead his wife insists on telling him everything she knows about it. Mr. Bennet, to me, does not care and in a way teases his wife by being so uninterested. He knows that this behavior makes his wife very nervous but the last line takes all the tension away. You expect a huge quarrel but instead you read this line and, at least I was, a little bit astonished because I did not expect that answer, reality from him. Going back to the topic of parenting this extract is quite interesting. It shows that Mr. Bennet is passive about everything that has to do with his daughters but, on the other hand, Mrs. Bennet wants to know everything that is going on because she wants to marry off her daughters to a wealthy gentleman. She can only think of that. She does not care at all about the feeling of her daughters. [†¦] â€Å"Dining out,† said Mrs. Bennet, â€Å"that is very unlucky.† â€Å"Can I have the carriage,† said Jane. â€Å"No, my dear, you had better go on horseback, because it seems likely to rain; and then you must stay all night.† â€Å"That would be a good scheme,† said Elizabeth, â€Å"if you were sure that they would not offer to send her home.† â€Å"Oh! But the gentleman will have Mr. Bingley’s chaise to go to Meryton; and Hursts have no horses theirs.† â€Å"I much rather go in the coach.† â€Å"But, my dear, your father cannot spare the horses, I am sure. They are wanted in the farm, Mr. Bennet, are they not?† (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Volume I, Chapter 7, page 31) Here we can see the clear interest of Mrs. Bennet towards Jane, the oldest daughter. She wants her daughter to go to the lunch and to stay over there because it probably will rain. Even though there is a chance that Jane gets ill, Mrs. Bennet insists on Jane going over to the lunch. This behavior shows the readers that she cares about her daughter but, she only wants to be sure that the property and everything that they posses will not end up with Mr. Bennet’s cousin. Mrs. Bennet continues to behave in this way during whole the novel. At no point, the reader can see affection from Mrs. Bennet towards her daughters. Certainly, we can see no motherly behavior; she never gets involved with the daily chores of the house or with the personal hygiene of her daughters. Something that mothers nowadays do a lot, getting involved with her children’s life. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner are very different from Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. The Gardiners do care about the feeling of their children. In this case they get along very well with Jane and Elizabeth and help them with the struggle they have with Bingley and Darcy. We can see that Mrs. Gardiner cares for her nieces because she does things to protect the girls, so as to prevent them to do certain things they might regret in the future. She protects them as a mother should do, she gives them advice, and she listens to the girls. Mrs. Gardiner is the opposite of Mrs. Bennet. The former involves more in the lives of the girls and guides them through it while the latter just wants that her daughters to marry some rich man in order not to lose their possessions they have at Longbourn. In the next extract the readers can see what kind of a woman Mrs. Gardiner is: [†¦] Her aunt assured her that she was; and Elizabeth having thanked her for the kindness of her hinds, they parted; a wonderful instance of advice being given on such a point, without being resented. [†¦] (Austen, Volume II, Chapter III, page 143) Austen describes Mr. Gardiner in the following way: â€Å"Mr. Gardiner was a sensible, gentlemanlike man, greatly superior to his sister as well by nature as education.†(Austen, Volume II, Chapter 2, page 137) Although Mr. Gardiner does not appear much in the novel he is present every time his carrying wife appears. Frankly, every time Mrs. Gardiner appears I imagine that her husband is involved in the conversation and thought of his wife. Lady Catherine De Bourgh is Darcy’s aunt and she does not want that some girl, especially not with lower social wealth marries her nephew. Lady De Bourgh is a very wealthy woman and with this she thinks that she has to tell other people how, why and when they should do things or not. When she finds out that Elizabeth is very fond of Darcy she asks Elizabeth many questions; on the one hand, to let Elizabeth know that she is more intelligent and from a higher social class; on the other hand, to maybe scare Elizabeth off. If we analyze this behavior taking in consideration parenthood, we could say that she is protective and cares about her family. After all, the reader knows who and what kind of woman she is and that all those questions are just for personal interest and not to help her nephew Darcy. To conclude, I would like to say that many different manners of being a parent appear in the novel. We have seen the Bennet family, the Gardiner family and Lady Catherine De Bourgh. We could say that the Mr. and Mrs. Bennet are cold people; they do not care about the feelings of their children and they only care about their reputation and social wealth. On the other hand the Gardiners are protective towards the Bennet girls. They try to help them by giving them advice and to talk to other people to find out in what situation the girls are putting themselves into. Last but not least, Lady Catherine De Bourgh. She is from a wealthy social class and does everything she can so that no one with a lower social wealth comes into her family. Finally she has to accept that Elizabeth and Darcy get married. In the end I could say that different types of parenthood appear in the novel. To me, parents should get involved in the life of their children, to protect them and prevent them of making mistakes they will regret. Being a good parent involves being there for your children and not to act in your personal interest. The only family that is honest, to me, is the Gardiner family.

Just One Day by Gayle Forman Essay

Allyson Healey has lived her entire life in a neat little box mapped out by her parents. But during a European tour after high school graduation, she meets an actor named Willem. There’s instant attraction and Allyson is charmed. When Willem invites her to spend one day in Paris with him, she decides to be impulsive for once and agrees to accompany him instead of heading to London with her best friend. That day in Paris is magical and Allyson learns to take life as it comes, to pounce on the chances that come her way. But after a night of sex, she wakes up to find herself alone. Devastated, Allyson returns to London to meet up with her friend, and from there to the U.S. where she heads off to college in the fall. What follows is a year of self-discovery and picking up the pieces after Allyson’s first attempt at seizing the day results in disaster. Despite my best intentions to keep an open mind, I go into novels with expectations. If I Stay and Where She Went were so emotionally visceral and I suppose I expected more of that here. I didn’t really get it. Maybe it was the pacing. The summer stint in Europe took up more than a third of the novel. That doesn’t leave much room for self-discovery. In truth, what happens is that Allyson spends half of her freshman year in college in a deep depression. She attempts to return to the box outlined for her but finds she no longer fits because she’s discovered the world the exists beyond it. This dissonance affects all aspects of her life. Her once-perfect grades plummet. Her friendships stumble and fail. Of course, all that would have been fine within the context of a story if more weight had been given to the idea of self-discovery. Instead the shadow of Willem dominated everything. I just can’t get behind the portrayal of a one-night stand derailing someone’s life so badly. Yes, she was a teenager — an older one, true, but still a teenager. But even so, Allyson wasn’t a virgin. She’d had a boyfriend. Yes, she thought she’d fallen in love. But because of her age, I wasn’t convinced. This is my age speaking but we know this story. One-night stands where the girl thinks she has a deep connection with the guy but the guy acts like he barely even knows her the next morning? Such a common tale. I realize knowing it happens is different from having it actually happen to you but the entire thing left a bad taste in my mouth. Part of my feelings can be chalked up to the knowledge that Just One Day is the first half of a duology. The follow-up will be told from Willem’s point of view. I can already guess how it’ll go. He didn’t actually leave her alone the next morning. He had a reason! He’s not an asshole. If Allyson had only waited and had faith in their love, there’d been no reason for that year of moping. It was all just a misunderstanding. But if that’s the case, I would have liked for Allyson’s half of the tale to focus more on self-discovery and globe-trotting, the latter of which takes up less than 100 pages of the novel. In many ways, I think Just One Day is attempting to replicate the magic of If I Stay and Where She Went. If that’s the case, it fails. It didn’t have the same romantic and emotional impact. The themes of self-actualization and discovery despite — or in spite of — life-changing love don’t ring as strongly. If there’d been more focus on Allyson learning to enjoy life for herself and on her own terms instead of her life being affected by Willem on many levels, maybe I would have enjoyed it more. That, I feel, is the spark missing from this story. Theoretically, I like the idea of chance meetings altering the shape of your life. But what I dislike is that chance meeting becoming the source of all your sadness, joy, and motivation.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

International Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

International Business Strategy - Essay Example mmon things like culture, similar administrative issues such as free trade which has seen a boom in economic trade across regional countries over the past decades. According to the article, even the most successful multinational companies’ history is linked to their regions of origin. There are five different approaches to this regional strategy namely: home based strategy, portfolio strategy which seeks to build a regional portfolio, the hub strategy which is concerned with building regional bases, platform strategy which is about customisation of products as well as the mandate strategy which focuses on specialisation of particular products to the other regions. If properly implemented, all these strategies can add a competitive advantage to the organisation given that they are mainly concerned with improving efficiency in manufacturing as well as trade among regions and ultimately global markets. Popular brands across the globe can be identified with their regions of origin. Thus, it can be noted that regions represent just one way of aggregating across borders to achieve greater efficiencies than would be achievable with a country-by-country approach which is one notable interesting part of this regional strategy. What is interesting in reading this article is the fact business develops from grassroots level and it develops across regions until reaching a global stage. Most developed global businesses evolved from regional levels and they can be identified with their regions of origin. Indeed, I agree with this given that different products that are sold globally have traceable origins which can be linked to their regions. However, one notable difficulty encountered from a critical reading of this article is that there is no universally agreed definition of what constitutes a region. A region can be intra-national or international and this distinction is not clearly defined in this context. It can be noted that some Japanese companies like Toyota are

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Can Anyone Steer this Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Can Anyone Steer this Economy - Essay Example The question at hand is of the condition of the family if the value of their home rises while their wages decrease (Mandel). Unfortunately, the statistics to answer these questions are not available, but there are different scenarios that can give a common sense solution to the question at hand. First of all, bonds have hit an acceptable low, which is good news for the home buyer (Mandel). If a homeowner encounters a decrease in their income but their home value increases, the chance of refinancing their home to consolidate their debts at an affordable rate is better with lower interest rates. This can put a family in a stable situation while the money lasts, but with the fluctuating mortgage rates, they may encounter a situation in which refinancing is not an option. On the other hand, if a homeowner's home does not raise in value and their income increases, they may be able to work out a longer term solution rather than refinancing their home. Those with higher incomes are able to contribute more of their money to savings and retirement funds than those with lower wages. That way they are able to have funds available in case of a rainy day. Michael Mandel states in his article that "the broad-based drop in incomes is being driven more by the rise of China and India." He also states that "Globalization has

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Traditional News Release Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Traditional News Release - Assignment Example otors discovered that the temperament and mysterious feelings of Johnny Depp are consistent and compatible with the new collections motor designing proposed by Ford Motors. As part of the endorsement, Ford will sponsor the 2014 online action movie of Depp and the company will use â€Å"Mysterious trip with Johnny Depp† as their online advertisement through you-tube. Besides, Ford Motors will design a concept van with twin turbo to be used by Depp in the new movie. The media meeting for finalization of the endorsement event is scheduled for March 24, 2013, at Dearborn, Ford Headquarters. SOUNDBITE 1: Alan Mulally (12 seconds) â€Å"Johnny Depp is perfect for Ford Motor’s new collection. Ford Focus is the main push car next year. We add more mystery style in its core design concept. Mr. Depp has that mysterious and noble temperament.† SOUNDBITE 2: Johnny Depp (9 seconds) â€Å"I am a big fan of Ford cars, and I had a Ford Fusion in high school. I feel excited and honor to be chose as the new spokesman of Ford, and I look forward to our cooperation.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Coaching portofolio Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Coaching portofolio - Term Paper Example Coaching philosophy covers ones purpose as a coach and how he will approach player development and winning. Ones coaching philosophy is made up of the primary objectives, beliefs and the principles that one adhere to in order to achieve his goals. (Barbour, 2011, p. 203) One’s coaching philosophy will guide him on how to behave as a coach and how to interact with his trainees. Coaching philosophy has to touch on who one is and who one wants to be in future. (Parsloe, 2009, p. 128) Mostly, it is based on one’s experience, knowledge, and opinions. All excellent philosophies describe and explain the purpose of coaching, the views, and the principle that the coach will use to achieve his goal. Some of the elements of the coaching philosophies are discussed below. Plan, prepare and perform: For all aspects of football planning is the key ingredients for good performance of footballers. It is advisable to use planning, preparation and performance in the ratio of 3:2:1. That is taking 3 hours to plan, 2 hours to prepare and 1 hour to perform. Fitness, skill and game sense: Whenever it is possible the coach should try to reproduce the ‘game type’ preparation. Tactics and skills of the game at times need to be given much weight for better performance. (Association, 2013, p. 307). Footballers should spend most time in situations that are pressured in terms of time and space. This will help them to win possession, make good and fast decisions and execute efficient disposal. Leadership: One should come up with his style or approach depending on the maturity of individuals he is coaching. Young athletes with no experience need some real direction and control. But when the player grows, become educated, experienced, confident, they need to be far more involved in the coach-player relationship. A well-performing team is always having a high leadership group, who wants to take ownership of the dynamics of the process which in place

Friday, October 4, 2019

4 best 3d animated films for kids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

4 best 3d animated films for kids - Essay Example The chief Director of this film is Uri Shizer (Squidoo 2010). This movie was released in 2003 by Pixar Studios and Disney. Its remarkable box office draw kept the movie at the top. The movie is a story of a clown fish and his son, who lost all their family members to thieves leaving them alone in the world. Nemo is caught up by a scuba diver during his first day of school, turning him into a pet in a fish tank that belonged to a dentist. Consequently, Nemo’s father decides to go hunting for him in the ocean, where he happened to meet an absentminded fish called Dory. The story narrates about their encounters and attempts by Nemo to flee from the fish tank (Squidoo 2010). In this film, three strange bedfellows are encountered with, including Diego the saber tooth tiger, Sid the Sloth, and Manny the mammoth. The three accomplices have partnered in an attempt to return a hunter father, his human baby. When Diego, Manny and Sid return, they are joined by another character known as Ellie a mammoth who thinks she is a possum. They seek to flee from their dwelling valley to avoid drowning in case a melting glaciar blocked down. This comedy with great taste has been produced by Pixar Animation Studios. It is a story of a rat that wants to become a chef, but his family looks down upon his ideas. Consequently, Remy finds himself in a sewer, where he wants to meet a youthful cook who is fighting to retain his job. The union of the two makes them the best chefs in Paris. This entertaining movie keeps the funs wondering whether their trick will be discovered. The role of a 3D animation director is to make sure that the vision of the film rhymes with all parts of the production course. This includes the film’s color palette, style, as well as tone. Unlike the directors of live-action films, those of animated movies have high control responsibility. In other words, the directors of animated films are responsible for micromanaging the whole

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Improvement in Operational Efficiency Due Essay Example for Free

Improvement in Operational Efficiency Due Essay IT Investments ply chain integration; and euro conversion. Many IT landmarks have been achieved during this period: more than 4 billion Web pages on the Internet; creation of software to combat cyber worms, viruses, and warfare; millions of distributed databases; and widespread utilization of data warehouses and data mining for decision support systems. To support these IT initiatives and to achieve these landmarks, IT budgets of most companies during this decade Copyright  © 2006, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited. Information Resources Management Journal, 19(2), 18-36, April-June 2006 19 increased substantially (Seewald, 2002). There is, however, a growing criticism of escalating IT investments (Mears Dubie, 2002) and their lack of justification (Krochmel, 1999). ERP systems are software systems to support and to automate the business processes, providing timely and accurate enterprise-wide information for decision making. ERP systems have a long history of evolution. The production scheduling, material ordering, and product shipment systems evolved from manual reorder point systems for material procurement to computerized Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) to Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP-II) systems that integrated MRP and capacity requirements planning to Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) that further integrated MRP-II and shop floor and device control systems, and finally to ERP systems. Much of the streamlining of materials procurement process was achieved by MRP and MRP-II. By the late 1980s, tens of thousands of firms were using MRP-II systems (Rondeau Litteral, 2001). The SAP R/3 modules and submodules consisting of sales and distribution, materials management, warehouse management, quality management, production planning for process industries, financial accounting, controlling, project system, and office communication were expected to reduce inventories, improve cash management, and cut down operating expenses. Kalling (2003) recently provided a theoretical framework in which resource-based views (RBV) are advanced to understand how ERP can provide sustainable competitive advantage. The RBV is not universally accepted as a final explanation of competitive advantage. Some believe that dynamic capabilities, not resources, are the source of competitive advantage. It is possible that ERP provides both unique resources as well as dynamic capabilities in the form of improved information and decision making to improve competitive advantage. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems To avoid struggling with integrating myriad IT applications, many companies implemented ERP systems that required substantial investment of time, internal resources, and capital, resulting in significant organizational change (Dorien Wolf, 2002). Often, ERP system implementation is accompanied by other improvements and enhancements in existing legacy systems. Due to many simultaneous changes that accompany ERP system implementation, it is hard to attribute any performance changes after ERP system installation solely to ERP systems. However, ERP system implementation is, by far, the most criticized aspect of IT investments. ERP systems require outlays ranging from a few million dollars to several hundred million dollars (Mabert et al. , 2001). Despite high expenditures, ERP implementations have resulted in problems. Rushed software installations and inadequate training are blamed for well-publicized troubles with ERP. In 1999, soon after the rollout of its ERP system, Hershey Food Corp. , in the third quarter of that year, lost $60. 4 million due to problems in customer service, warehousing, order processing, and timely shipments to retailers. ERP implementation problems of Whirlpool Corporation and W. L. Gore Associates Inc. also have received considerable attention (Collett, 1999). The bankruptcy of FoxMeyer (a drug distribution company) in 1996 is directly attributed by many to flawed implementation of ERP systems. www. igi-global. com/article/improvement-operational-efficiency-due-erp/1289 www. igi-global. com/chapter/tutor/13373 www. igi-global. com/chapter/object-database-benchmarks/14575